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Madrid Energy Conference  021

Madrid Energy Conference 021

2019 Madrid Energy Conference
An international assembly of top level business executives and government officials from Latin America, Europe, and the world will come together to explore the vast cross-regional opportunities at the intersection of E&P, infrastructure, renewables, and finance
Hosted by The Institute of the Americas, IPD Latin America, LLC.Day 2 September 5
9:20 Keynote Opening Panel: Latin America Outlook for Energy Transition
Thiago Barral Ferreira, CEO, Empresa de Pesquisa Energetica, Brazil
Thore Kristiansen, Co‐COO/Executive Director, Galp Energia
Nicholas Lawson, Low Carbon Strategy Director, BP
Moderators: Jeremy Martin, Institute of the Americas and David Voght, IPD Latin America

September 4,5,6, 2019 Meliá Serrano Madrid